Period | Project |
October 2017 - October 2018 | Comparison of Seismic Mine Signals with High and Medium Sampling Rates (Alex Wilczek, MSc thesis) |
December 2016 - January 2018 | Numerical Modelling of Seismic Signals of Tracked Vehicles (Mathias Pilch, MSc thesis) |
June 2016 - June 2017 | Two- and Three-dimensional Localisation of Acoustic and Seismic Signals by the Hyperbolic Method (Sonja Lemke, MSc thesis) |
May 2016 - May 2017 | Spectral Separation of Two Sine Functions with Slightly Different Frequencies (Marc Bürger, MSc thesis) |
January 2016 - December 2016 | Theoretical Signals Final-Repository Monitoring: First Considerations |
January 2015 - December 2015 | Seismic Modelling Salt Dome: Sensitivity Analysis |
September 2014 - October 2016 | Acoustic-Seismic Coupling - Experimental and Theoretical Investigations |
May 2013 - August 2014 | Acoustic-Seismic Coupling in Porous Ground - Measurements and Analysis for On-Site Inspection Support |
August 2012 - August 2015 |
Modelling of Seismic-Wave Propagation Caused by Activities in the Gorleben Salt Dome |
July 2011 - October 2014 | Removing Periodic Noise - Supporting Seismic Aftershock Monitoring during On-Site Inspections of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (Felix Gorschlüter, PhD thesis) |
August 2010 - May/August 2012 | Acoustic and Seismic Measurements for the Detection of Undeclared Nuclear Activities |
20-22 Sept. 2010 | Workshop Arms Control for Robots - Limiting Armed Tele-Operated and Autonomous Systems (Berlin) |
April 2009 - Sept. 2010 | Uninhabited Armed Systems - Trends, Dangers and Preventive Arms Control (funded by German Foundation for Peace Research DSF) |
May 2008 - April 2009 | Measurement, Recognition and Suppression of Periodic Acoustic and Seismic Noise Signals (Felix Gorschlüter, diploma thesis) |
Dec. 2007 - May 2008 | Status and Trends of the Military Use of Unmanned Systems for Office of Technology Assessesment at German Bundestag, with Institute for Security Policy and Peace Research, Hamburg, and Chair for Public Law, International Law and European Law, Universität Gießen) |
Dec. 2007 - Nov. 2008 | Acoustic-seismic Coupling with Moving Sources (Christoph Weber, diploma thesis) |
May 2004 - April 2006 | Millimetre Waves, Lasers, Acoustics For Non-Lethal Weapons? Physics Analyses and Inferences (funded by German Foundation for Peace Research DSF) |
Feb. 2002 - July 2003 | Preventive Arms Control and Nanotechnologies (funded by German Foundation for Peace Research DSF) |
Feb. 2000 - July 2001 | Microsystems Technology - Dangers and Limitation Possibilities (funded by Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF) |
Im Bereich Physik und Abrüstung forschen wir an Möglichkeiten, mit automatischen Sensorsystemen zu überprüfen, ob Bewegungsbeschränkungen für militärische Land- und Luftfahrzeuge im Rahmen von Abrüstungs- und Friedensabkommen eingehalten werden. Dazu sollen vor allem akustische und seismische Signale verwendet werden. Bei verschiedenen Messkampagnen wurden solche Signale von militärischen Fahrzeugen aufgenommen. Ein zweiter Bereich ist die Überwachung eines unterirdischen Endlagers auf heimlichen Zugriff zu dem dort enthaltenen Plutonium - hier geht es um Sicherungsmaßnahmen ("Safeguards") der Internationalen Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEO).
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