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Bochum Verification Project - Related Sites

Research Projects in Germany

Research Association Science, Disarmament and International Security (Forschungsverbund Naturwissenschaft, Abrüstung und internationale Sicherheit) FONASPhysics and Disarmament, TU Dortmund

Center for Science and Peace Research (ZNF), Universität Hamburg

Interdisciplinary Research Group Disarmament and Arms Control (IFAR), Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, Hamburg

Center for Science and International Security (CENSIS), Hamburg

Interdisciplinary Group Science, Technology and Security (Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Sicherheit) IANUS, Darmstadt

Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Peace Research SHIP/Schleswig-Holsteinisches Institut für Friedensforschung SCHIFF, Kiel

Teaching in Germany 

Interdisziplinäres Friedenswissenschafliches Weiterbildungsstudium Konflikt und Frieden, FernUniversität - Gesamthochschule - in Hagen

International Projects/Centres

Center for Cooperative Monitoring CMC, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque NM, USA

MIT Security Studies Program, Cambridge MA, USA

UN Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, Switzerland

Verification Technology Information Centre, London, UK


International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Social Responsibility INES

International Network of Engineers and Scientists against Proliferation INESAP

Scientists' Initiative Responsibility for Peace and Sustainability (NaturwissenschaftlerInnen-Initiative für Friedens- und Zukunftsfähigkeit)

Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs

Federation of American Scientists

Union of Concerned Scientists

Natural Resources Defense Council